2024-12-02 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Date/Time: Invalid date
Link: https://meet.google.com/xxo-tyin-rem

  • Antonio Vazquez (Developer)
  • Casey Bianco-Davis (Developer)
  • Daniel Martinez Lara (Grease Pencil team)
  • Falk David (Blender)
  • Lukas Tönne (Blender)
  • Samuel Bernou (ADV studio, Python Dev)
  • Wu Yiming (Blender)


  • General updates
  • Development updates
  • Discussions

Meeting Notes

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  • Discussion: Moving strokes out or into a locked layer is no longer possible in 4.3. What should be the solution to this?
    • Antonio: I think it’s better if locked layer aren’t changed. Keep the current behavior.
    • Others agree as well.
  • Discussion: When disabling “Show Cursor” (in the Cursor panel) using the eraser using CTRL won’t show the cursor as well. This is currently working as intended. Should we change this (follow 4.2)?
    • Falk: There is a bit of a problem where the Cursor panel is changing a setting on the mode, not a brush, but is shown right next to the brush settings. This is confusing.
      • Talk to other modules about this.
    • Casey: Maybe the show cursor thing should be part of the overlay?
    • Solution for initial problem: Temporarily change the paint cursor to show the eraser when holding control.
  • Antonio: Now that Grease Pencil 3 is in main, we should think about what we want to do next (bigger milestones) and maybe structure the meetings around this.
    • Falk: Definitely! Let’s start thinking about the next projects to work on.
      • Falk: Tries to finish the “material change” prototype and get a devtalk feedback thread soon
    • Casey: Has been working in the background on holes support for fills. This could be something to look at next.
    • Falk: Agreed.
    • Daniel: From studios, the most common feedback is that they need better fill tools and shift & trace tools.
      • Lukas: Asked about “shift & trace”. Was briefly explained by Falk.
    • Matias: Also, having the ability to render Grease Pencil layers as e.g. different render passes.

Next Meeting

  • Time/Date: 2024-12-17T15:00:00Z