Have Your Say: 2023 Community Survey Now Live!

It’s that time of year again for the annual user survey!
The survey helps us know how Gitea is being used and can provide direction for future areas of focus.
Your feedback is very appreciated.


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Really confused by question 3. It is phrased “Why would you like to use Gitea…” and has multiple checkboxes labeled “Not GitLab CE”, “Not GitLab EE”, etc. What am I supposed to do?

How do I answer any of the resource question if I am not dedicating an entire machine to Gitea, but run it with other services?

Not GitLab CE means you have compared Gitea vs GitLab CE but not chose it. What’s the reason.

If you run Gitea on a resource shared machine, you can input the resource your expection resources that Gitea will use in that machine.

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