LFS push always username/password

Hi All.

I’m newbie of Gitea, nice to see all :smiley:

Our team using ordinary git+ssh as code repository (SSH authentication by passwordless key).
Nearly, large file (rootfs) requirement, therefore testing Gitea (Binary installation, version: gitea-1.22.6-linux-amd64)

Current local lfs configure .lfsconfig as follows

       url = http://{GITEA_SERVER}:3000/lfs/{PROJECT}.git/info/lfs

Here, lfs = User created by GUI

Test, LFS work (push large files to Gitea successful), but asking username/password as follows

$ git push
Username for 'http://{GITEA_SERVER}:3000':
Password for 'http://lfs@{GITEA_SERVER}:3000': 

Here, Username: lfs

Not only this push action, but also everytime push also asking username/password even commit of doesn’t touch LFS file.

Test case 1:

       url = http://git@{GITEA_SERVER}:3000/lfs/{PROJECT}.git/info/lfs

Here, git = Create a user to run Gitea (e.g. git) with --disabled-password @ prepare-environment

$ git push
Password for 'http://git@sw-srv-share.local:3000':

No ieda how/what input.
Placed ssh public key into /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys not work also.

Test case 2:

       url = git@{GITEA_SERVER}:3000/lfs/{PROJECT}.git/info/lfs


$ git push
Remote "origin" does not support the Git LFS locking API. Consider disabling it with:
  $ git config lfs.https://{GITEA_SERVER}/3000/lfs/{PROJECT}.git/info/lfs.locksverify false
batch request: bash: line 1: git-lfs-authenticate: command not found: exit status 127                                                                                                                                                                   
Error: failed to push some refs to '{GITEA_SERVER}:{REPOSITORY}' failed.

Is possible username/password free with LFS of Gitea?

Thanks a lot.