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@kd3533 Can i use it with Lore Friendly Trains Mod? And HOW?
Thank you so much.
מעולה!!!!!!!!! תמשיך את העבודה הנהדרת!!!!
@SerbianMods Can you please make Fiat 128? Or even convert it from GTA IV to GTA V.The Fiat 128 is available for GTA 4 Only and no one till know responding to convert it or create new mod.Please try if you can.
Thank you.
@ImNotMentaL I need your help please. I am using Benny's mod and it also have "Metadata.dll,Metadata.dp" can i use benny's metadata files with Added Traffic mod or what should i do?
another question please,I am using Enhanced Native Trainer Option "Disable Despawn DLC Cars" to prevent dlc cars from disappearing when i spawn them.So what should i set this Option.I mean "Check or Not Check" The Checkbox?
Thanks In Advance!!
@Pursuit Is working PERFECTLY now! Thank you for your patience!!!!!! And Thank you for the AMAZING Launcher!!!
@Pursuit Now the launcher is opened,but when i chose anything like vanilla or modded it says FATAL error unable to switch between profiles.And my game directory moved some in profile folder and sone in .....I don't know what to do
@Pursuit OK.Here's my Crash Report
@Pursuit I need your help please! I have the Epic Games version,Extracted the launcher and run it as admin,but when i run it Crash report pop up.I am on Windows 10 pro.What exactly should i do in order to get your AMAZING Launcher to work with my Epic version?
Thanks in advance!
@agatipoullos Never mind! Thank you so much